Participant testimonials for Deconstructing the Wounded Healer online workshops:

“This workshop is a fabulous piece of research, theory and model of practice about a topic close to my heart ... Thank you for the courage and intellectual rigour you have brought to formulating and presenting this workshop... I am so very grateful."

"The workshop design, content and conduct [quality] was very high level. I cannot see a way to improve it to be honest."

"Thank you for a rich learning experience around the wounded healer. Much gratitude for your knowledgeable support and clinical understanding on the topic.”

“[What I liked about the facilitator’s approach] was Michael’s authentic manner and gentle approach. He was highly articulate and informative, while tending to the group energy and engagement.”

“I really enjoyed the course [it] has been fantastic.”

“There is so much to process and reflect on, the in-depth exploration and unpacking of the concepts is really great.”

“Very in-depth discussion around attachment [and] co-dependency, a lot of critical thinking and reflection involved. Highly appreciated ... Boundaries is such a crucial topic that should be an ongoing consideration for clients and clinicians alike. It was very well covered.”

“I will be aiming for more work with Michael in the future. A very thought provoking and effective clinician and facilitator.”

Participant testimonials for Complex-PTSD: Perspective of a Clinician with Lived Experience webinars:

“How wonderful to do a PD session that is actually interesting!”

“This presentation was brilliant, articulate and concise, thank you.”

“What I liked best was the focus on family systems and in particular dysfunctional family roles.”

“Thank you for your honesty around your journey with trauma, recovery and the relationship to your practice. Your personal insights were incredibly valuable.”

“Really great insights to understanding [the] condition and treatment.”

“Excellent and useful information. Michael has a depth of experience and makes it easy to understand and absorb.”

“So much information! It was very comprehensive and thought-provoking.”

“Wow - very clear info on a very complex subject. I appreciate the slide notes as needed to re-read to absorb.”

“Really informative, great slides. Michael is a great presenter.”

“Thank you. Michael's presentation was very professionally presented, thorough, and helpful.”